CandidateCapture News
DaXtra’s flagship CV parsing and workflow automation product, CandidateCapture, has been updated to join the web 2.0 age, with a modern flexible design, and significant updates to the components and technologies that power the system.
This new release gives CandidateCapture a major re-design, delivering the following improvements:
This new release gives CandidateCapture a major re-design, delivering the following improvements:
- Even greater automation, resulting in further reduction in Admin costs
- More intuitive design and navigation
- More flexibility to provide customisable options and features
- Improved M.I. stats and applicant tracking on your CRM
We are continuing to maintain and improve the extraction quality of the daXtra Parsing engine, and have been busy adding full support for all the major International languages. We already cover most Western-, Central- and Eastern-European languages, and this month sees the release of Chinese (both, Traditional and Simplified) CV parsing, to be followed by other Far-East languages later this year.
SearchStation News
This month also sees the release of the latest version of our multi-search and matching product, SearchStation.
Based on our advanced semantic search and categorisation technology, the product is designed for bringing most relevant, natural language ranked CVs from your current database, as well as the best candidates from all your online CV sources, and then display all the results in one interface, all from the single initial query.
Additionally, we offer a unique among Search Aggregators ability to download and parse online CVs directly onto your CRM database with a single-click.
The very nature of DaXtra’s tight integration with both internal and external databases, ensures that you are always looking at the most up-to-date and relevant candidate information, regardless of where it is held. Since the richest and best qualified information and history of prior relationships with candidates is stored locally on your CRM system, daXtra’s SearchStation offers a clear benefit over “online-only” search systems. We allow you to exploit data and information you already have, reference it online, categorise it, report on it and link it to your other sources of candidates. And you only have to click the search button ONCE!
The new features available in this release include:
- Improved Results Display – “All”, or in separate Tabs per source
- Enhanced auto-matching – Candidate-Candidate, Job-Candidate, Candidate-Job
- Better speed, scalability and compatibility with a wider range of web browsers
- Improved functionality and options for ‘Watchdogs’ agents
Following this release we are now working on further enhancements of the search interface, continuing to improve all aspects of auto-matching, as well as delivering the best Internet multi-search by exploiting all relevant Business Intelligence Information available from multitude of online sources.
NB. As of January 2013, these products have been re-branded as daXtraCapture & daXtraSearch