Compare the agency
Competition amongstrecruiters is always very high, which is why the launch of recruitment website- TalentPuzzle – raised a few eyebrows. The idea behind the website is that recruitmentagencies pitch for the job vacancies posted by companies. . Employers havevisibility of each agency’s pitch, as well as historical performance statisticssuch as percentage interview rates and the average number of days to fill aplacement.
It can be argued that TalentPuzzlemay simplify the process of facilitating employer/recruiter engagement. It usesmetrics such as fees, percentage interview rates and the average number of daysto fill a placement to differentiate the recruitment agencies signed up to thewebsite; however these metrics are very basic and do not truly reflect the longterm success rate of an agency.
In order to establish anaccurate appreciation of a recruitment agency’s success, employers need to havevisibility of the number of candidates that have passed the three, six andtwelve month probationary period. This information demonstrates an agency’sability to identify the right candidate with relevant skills, experience andinterest for the placement long-term.
The process of sourcing and engagingwith quality candidates can often prove to be an arduous task and is the real challenge for recruiters. Those agencies thatinvest in intelligent technologies that readily collate candidate details frommultiple sources – CVs, social media and previous agency interactions – in one centrallocation, gain a complete picture of candidates’ relevant abilities andexperience. This not only reduces the time spent identifying the most suitablecandidates for each placement, but also increases the likelihood of a long termplacement.
Employers that are shortsighted with their recruitment requirements, focusing on the speed of filling aplacement rather than the quality of candidate chosen, risk wasting time and moneyspent training someone; only for them to leave the company six months or a yeardown the line. Working with agencies that exploit intelligent recruitment technologyto closely monitor candidates and their suitability, therefore creating apersonalised recruitment service, will enable companies to be confident in thequality and long-term prospects of their hires.