De l’art d’utiliser des ordinateurs pour comprendre le langage humain et pourquoi cela est si important dans le processus de recrutement. A la recherche du meilleur candidat Supposons que vous soyez à la recherche d’un Managing Director en région parisienne. Dans votre quête du candidat parfait, vous avez fait preuve d’ingéniosité en incluant dans vos… Read more »
Sur le terrain, l’utilisation d’un logiciel de recrutement comme un système ATS (Applicant Tracking System) et logiciel de CRM (Customer Relationship Management) implique de relever un certain nombre de défis. Pour assurer un processus de recrutement vraiment efficace, il ne suffit pas d’avoir un excellent parseur de CV (extraction sémantique) et un système ATS ou… Read more »
DaXtra and Talentio, a young Japanese ATS and recruitment software provider, announce a technological partnership to bring DaXtra’s high accuracy CV parsing technology with full Japanese language support to Talentio’s 800+ customers. Talentio will integrate and embed the DaXtra Parser function in order to facilitate automatic extraction of factual information from resumes and CVs submitted… Read more »
By Andrei Mikheev, CEO DaXtra Technologies 2018 is well underway and the pace of life and work in the digital economy continues to accelerate. We are all familiar with the major themes of the day: China’s continued rise; the shifting of trading relationships following political changes in the United States and Europe; and technology’s encroachment… Read more »
It’s early on a Monday morning and you are sitting in the office staring at the login screen of a new system that you will have spent hours researching, days of meeting with sales people and weeks of project time, with you being carried through by coffee and the knowledge it will make things better…. Read more »
James Henderson from ARN published an article today explaining that the collaboration between the UK and Australia in the technology sector reached new heights during 2017, with five UK-based providers investing more than $130 million into the local market. “Creating 155 jobs in the process, the arrivals of DaXtra Technologies; Quantexa; NCC Group; Contino and… Read more »
Better quality candidate data can give you an edge Are you interested in getting more out of your recruiting or staffing CRM? Perhaps the candidate data being pulled in when you search the internet for resumes is sketchy or spotty at best. Insufficient information could make you miss that perfect candidate. Rich data extraction is what… Read more »
This article was originally published in The Global Recruiter TECHNOLOGY – Sergei Makhmodov, CEO Asia, DaXtra Technologies explains how to build a robust tech ecosystem. It’s clear as another year ends that the traditional recruitment business is far from dead – despite warnings that the encroachment of various tech companies would soon kill it off…. Read more »
The latest language added to the growing list of DaXtra Parsers’ fully supported languages is Bulgarian. Consistently benchmarked as the highest overall, in CV/resume parsing accuracy across multiple languages, DaXtra provides the most comprehensive and accurate resume parsing solution available in the industry. Languages for multiple regions include all European, most Eastern European and many Asian languages and… Read more »